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Professional Kitchen
Kitchen design reduces the risk of food contamination
Kitchen design is the first link in Passive Systems for Food Safety (SPSA, the acronym in Spanish). This concept is based on designing traffic flows between users and products to avoid possible contamination and designating different areas for food storage and handling.
Jean Pierre Marty, ADISA Group CEO and board member of the Silestone Institute Advisory Board, explains it in clear terms. As an expert in food safety, Marty outlines the guidelines for designing hygienic kitchens.
SPSA-Passive Systems for Food Safety is a new concept developed for the Silestone Institute by author Maite Pelayo Blas as a management tool and hallmark of food safety systems. This line of research is eminently interesting since it involves all present and future technology applied to kitchens and related sectors that help provide safer spaces for food.
“Forward food flow" as a basis for designing kitchens
The concept of flow for products and people in the kitchen implies that products NEVER physically go back in the kitchen’s architectural space kitchen during the preparation process. The path of "clean” products cannot cross the path of "dirty” products. The main idea is to avoid any contamination or retro-contamination between products.
Distinct integrated zones
Storage, handling, cooking, cleaning, waste, etc. It's all about creating a situation in which the manipulator as an active agent finds it easy to maintain an acceptable level of food safety.
Equipment and furniture, part of Food Safety
New technologies offer a wide range of possibilities to take into account when conceiving and designing a space in which food safety is a priority. The key to proper cleaning is following manufacturers’ guidelines.
Great advances in hygiene have been made by certain materials that feature passive components that give them bacteriostatic or hygienic properties, as is the case of antibacterial quartz countertops. SPSA also includes other materials and equipment, including refrigerators and small appliances with antibacterial protection, water and soap dispensers with sensors and air dryers with high-speed microcurrents.
  • SPSA (Passive Systems for Food Safety): State-of-the-art materials and equipment that enhance health and safety in the kitchen without substantially altering user habits.
  • Dirty Products: All products supplied by the vendor when purchased. Includes vegetables that have not been washed and all the wrapped or packaged products.
  • Clean Products: All products that have been processed in the kitchen or removed from their original packaging.
About Silestone Institute
Silestone Institute is an international organisation dedicated to the study and dissemination of hygiene in the kitchen and bathroom, both in public and private spaces, with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles and habits.
The Institute has an Advisory Board integrated by experts on different areas such as food safety, professional kitchen, scientific communication, cleaning products, architecture and design, hotel and restaurant industry, whose knowledge is open to consumers, professionals and society in general.
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