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Silestone Institute
A proper hygiene habits are the key to prevent stomach disorders in summer
Holiday picnics and Tupperware are a popular alternative, especially in times of economic crisis. In these cases people must follow some basic guidelines to prevent stomach disorders.
To do this, Silestone Institute offers some health tips in order to ensure safe food and prevent toxic infections during the summer.
These 10 tips will help to keep the food safety:
  • To review the external appearance of the product by looking that the label contains information of the ingredients, storage conditions and the expiry date.
  • Do not break the cold chain, because at temperature room bacteria multiply.
  • To separate raw and cooked products to avoid the possible transmission of microorganisms by cross-contamination. Do not mix utensils and containers for raw and cook food.
  • To keep food cold in refrigerators that require refrigeration or ice cubes bags protected so that wáter does not drip and place them in the coolest place possible.
  • To use potable water and washing hands before handling food. To clean utensils and surfaces each time a food is handled differently, remembering that the manipulator’s hands are also utensils.
  • To prepare salads based on raw vegetables and sausages at the last moment, having washed them properly at home.
  • To cook the omelets in advance in order to be able to cool it well. To avoid also the sauces containing egg.
  • To keep cold until last minute any dairy product or desserts made with egg.
  • To make sure that the meat is thoroughly cooked to ensure the elimination of germs, cooking food by prolonged treatment at high temperatures (frying, oven, stew, etc), because they are the most effective hygienic methods.
  • Remember that there are cleaning products, countertops, refrigetors and even switches with bacteriostatic properties which facilitate proper hygiene in the kitchen.